Christian Formation

We trust that God’s grace is all we need to be saved, but we are always working at letting that grace shape us to be who God made us to be. Being shaped by Jesus is a life-long process. Therefore, we have many opportunities for our members to learn and grow as disciples of Jesus.


From baptism on, children are absorbing the faith of those around them. We practice education that encourages parental involvement and daily life practices. From Sunday School to First Communion instruction, faith is a family thing! Click here for more.


Confirmation is a process of 7-8th Graders learning the basics of our faith over two years. After completing the process, they can claim the promises made for them in Baptism for themselves and become full members of the congregation. Through learning, service, and fellowship events, our students learn both by instruction and practice. We use the Here We Stand curriculum by Augsburg Fortress.

High School Youth

High School students are asking important questions about who they are and moving toward adulthood. At COSLC, they get to practice their faith with service events and annual service trips and they may share responsibility by assisting leading worship or serving as mentors to younger confirmation students. Click here for more.


As adults, we continue to grow in faith by learning and practicing the words of Jesus and by living it through our many ministries

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